2024-25 OPES PTO Executive Committee 


President - Lauren Green

  • The principal executive officer of the organization, subject to the counsel of the Executive Board, and the direction of the organization.
  • Interfaces with committee chairs, parents, teachers, staff, administration 
  • Conducts meetings
  • Oversees committees and facilitates as required
  • Signs financial documents as needed by Treasurer 
  • Supervises all activities of the organization. 
  • Presides at all meetings of the organization and all meetings of the Executive Board.
  • Coordinates, with the Vice President, the establishment of committees in order that the PTO objectives and mission may be promoted.
  • Establishes ad hoc committees as needed to fulfill the objectives and mission of the PTO. 
  • Develops an agenda for all General Membership and Executive Board meetings and provides to the Secretary at least 3 days in advance of any meeting. 
  • Performs such other duties as prescribed in these bylaws or assigned by the organization.   

Co-Vice Presidents - Jana Toupin

  • Assists President  
  • Conducts meeting in President’s absence  
  • Coordinates volunteers for all miscellaneous events via the Teacher Liaison(s)
  • Coordinates child care volunteers for meetings
  • Signs financial documents as needed by Treasurer in the absence of the President 
  • Act as an aid to the President and perform the duties of the President in her absence or inability to serve. 
  • Work with the President to coordinate volunteers for each committee, and work with the committee chairs to make sure they understand their duties, PTO objectives, and the PTO mission. 
  • Perform such other duties as are assigned by the President or the Executive Board.
  • Ensures class volunteers and provides communication for each homeroom for PTO events
  • Coordinates activities and flow of all information between Executive Board and teachers/staff
  • Communicates to staff in advance of teacher luncheons.
  • Updates and maintains the staff “favorite things” document on membership toolkit, works with Communications Chair as needed for website updates.
  • Updates and maintains staffing numbers ex. homeroom, related arts, support staff, etc. 
  • Works with Events Chair for Teacher Appreciation Week and Birthday Lunches  
  • Coordinates enrichment activities monthly (established by the president and principal 2nd Tues)
  • Coordinates Classroom Volunteers (2 per class desired) - To cover teacher-specific needs ex. copying, class parties, and PTO liaison duties. 

Treasurer - Nina Etheridge

  • Maintains PTO’s books 
  • Establishes and formalizes the annual budget with the PTO board 
  • Maintains financial PTO documents and records including IRS/State tax status 
  • Pays bills and reconciles invoices 
  • Has charge of and is responsible for all funds of the organization and shall receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the organization from all sources and shall deposit such funds in such bank as selected by the Executive Board. 
  • Makes disbursements as authorized by the Board in accordance with the budget adopted by the Board. 
  • Has checks signed by two persons. The Treasurer, as well as the President and the Vice-President, shall have check-signing privileges. No one shall sign a check made out to oneself.
  • Keeps an accurate record of receipts and expenditures and presents a financial statement at every Board meeting and at other times when requested by the Executive Board. 
  • As the outgoing Treasurer, makes a full financial report at the first Board meeting at which new officers officially assume their duties. 
  • Utilizes software being employed for financial record-keeping for the monthly reconciliations.
  • Has the accounts examined annually or upon a change of Treasurer by a financial professional. Further, all recommendations and findings of said professional must be presented to the Board for formal consideration of adopting any recommendations or changes. This professional’s advice will also be sought in regards to the group’s annual tax return in order to avoid penalties for incorrect filings with the IRS. 
  • Prepares and presents the preliminary PTO budget, as prescribed in Article VIII, Section 1, and presents any adjustments to the budget thereafter.
  • Creates and publishes the monthly report of income and expenses.
  • Performs all duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Executive Board. 
  • Withdraws funds from the account(s) by check only. No cash withdrawals will be permitted. No reimbursement will be made by cash, all will be made by check.
  • Ensures checks are not written to officers, per the recommendation of CPA., Bobby Palmer
  • The notice must be emailed to all Board Members within 24 hours of use or intended use of the OPES PTO Debit Card. Said expenditures cannot exceed $100 unless prior approval is received. 

Co-Secretaries - Elizabeth Watson and Madeline LeBlanc 

  • Generate meeting agendas 
  • Record, type, print, and distribute minutes at general/board meetings
  • Maintain non-financial PTO documents and records 
  • Maintain and update PTO email account and respond to parent inquiries, forward emails/ notify appropriate board members 
  • Work with Communications Chair to update PTO webpage 
  • Ensure dates for meetings, special events, etc. are on the PTO calendar and are shareable to OPES administration.
  • Attend all PTO Board meetings and maintain minutes of the proceedings of the General Membership and the Executive Board. This shall include posting them on the website within one week of a meeting. 
  • See that all notices are fully given in accordance with these by-Laws. 
  • Keep a current copy of the bylaws available at all meetings. 
  • Distribute copies of the minutes to the members of the Board. 
  • Keep a copy of Robert’s Rule of Order. 
  • Work with the President to prepare and post the agenda at least 3 days prior to the meeting.
  • Make appropriate updates to Facebook status.
  • Ensure the PTO website is kept current. 
  • Perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Executive Board.  



 2024-25 OPES PTO Chairs and Committees



Book Fair - Elizabeth Bradley


Boosterthon - TBD


Community Outreach - Sarah Ruffalo

  • More than one person may sign up for this position
  • Continues and promotes ongoing OPES service projects
  • Develops new service projects as desired/needed
  • Thanks-GIVE-ing (Nov)
  • Angel Tree (Dec)


Events Team - Annie Abbracciamento, Meghan Byerley, Lauren Caricato, Evelyn Everett and Nicole Marchesiello

  • Works closely with Volunteers Chair to secure volunteers as needed for events
  • Establishes a decorations sub-committee chair for each event
  • Oversees event sub-committee chair(s) (per event) 
  • Plans and oversees PTO fall and spring events (Boosterthon (works with Fundraising Chair), Winter Dance, Garden Party, etc.)
  • Oversees all functions of the event: fliers, scheduling, sales/money collection, etc. Works with Communications Chair to promote events. 
  • Plans and hosts events throughout the year (family fun evenings, back-to-school social, staff appreciation, staff birthday lunches etc.  


Fundraising - Sarah Ruffalo

  • Secures, markets,  and maintains community partners/sponsorship commitments
  • Ensures sponsorships are acknowledged via certificates, advertising, and are promoted on social media, works with Communications Chair to coordinate appropriate coverage.
  • Oversees fundraising activities and coordinates with sub-chairs:
    • Boosterthon
    • School Kitz - Patricia James  


Hospitality Committee - Beckie Leonardo, Elizabeth Mix, Kelly Pischel and Alicia White

  • Plans and executes regular hospitality/teach appreciation activities including:
    • Hospitality Cart
    • Staff Luncheons - Including Teacher Appreciation Week and End of Year Luncheon
    • Birthday Gift Cards
  • Coordinates with Fundraising Chair to solicit sponsorships for staff luncheons.
  • Coordinates with Events Chair and Decorations Committee to facilitate hospitality activities during Teacher Appreciation Week 

Media and Marketing - Tamara Williams


School Kitz - Patricia James


Spirit Night/Community Event Team - Kimberly Moore and Megan McInnis


Spirit Rock Coordinator - Amanda Stack


Teacher Appreciation - Courtney Matinata


Teacher Training Team - Jessica Varn and Meghan Dosch


We would love your help and are excited to have you! Positions are always changing and evolving. Please email us at opespto@gmail.com for opportunities. 









































 24-25 Title Sponsors 

Jackson Orthodontics

Pleasant Mill Pediatric Dentistry

Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.

Upcoming Events


PTO Meetings and Events for 2024-2025 


 2024-2025 Meetings


August 23 - Back to School Meeting

- 9:30 a.m. @ Baxter Village Hall

- all welcome


September 20 - PTO ELA/Reading Curriculum Info Session

- 9:30 a.m. @ OPES Cafeteria

- Speakers from Admin & Teachers

- all welcome


May 2 - End of School Meeting + PTO Interest Session  

- 9:30 a.m. @ Baxter Village Hall

- all welcome




2024-2025 Family Events


August 22 - Spirit Night

- 2 to 9 p.m. @ TCBY Baxter

- a portion of all sales go to OPES

- mention OPES when checking out


September 8 - Cornhole Tournament

- 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. @ Baxter Community Center Green

-$15 per team, football, food & BYOB
- Arrive between 11-11:30 a.m. for check-in
- Prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place

- Fathers, Grandfathers, Gentlemen (& Caretakers)

- all OPES families are invited to attend - scholarships available!



September 26 - Spirit Night

- 5 to 9 p.m. @ Inizio Pizza Napoletana Fort Mill

- a portion of all sales go to OPES

- mention OPES when checking out

- does NOT apply to Uber Eats or Door Dash orders


September 26 - October 4 - Boosterthon Week & Fun Run (Oct 4 - Fun Run)

- parent volunteers will be needed (email opespto@gmail.com to help)

- parents welcome to attend Fun Run (information will be sent home from school)


October 20 - Carolina Panthers Game Watch Party

- 4 to 7 p.m. @ Towne Tavern At Fort Mill

- $12 per adult, kids are free

- must RSVP all names in party attending when purchasing tickets (we have a limited capacity)

- apps provided

- free raffle giveaways!

- all OPES families are invited to attend - scholarships available!


October 23 - Spirit Night

- 5 to 9 p.m. @ VooDoo Wing Company

- a portion of all sales go to OPES including "to-go" orders

- mention OPES when checking out


November 19 - Spirit Night

- 5 to 8 p.m. @ Empire Pizza Fort Mill

- a portion of all DINE-IN sales go to OPES

- mention OPES when checking out


December 4 - Spirit Night

- 4 to 9 p.m. @ Ilios Crafted Greek Fort Mill

- a portion of all dine-in, online and take-out sales go to OPES

- mention OPES when checking out


December 9 -12 - Holiday Shoppe (Dec 12 - Shopping Night w/ Santa)

- fundraiser for students to buy gifts for family & friends

- parent volunteers will be needed (email opespto@gmail.com to help)

- all OPES families are invited to attend - scholarships available!


January 23 - Spirit Night

- 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. @ Adventure Air Sports Rock Hill

- a portion of sales go to OPES

- mention OPES at checkout

- "Thrifty Thursday" special available


February 1 - Winter Dance

-2 p.m. to 5 p.m. @ OPES Cafeteria

- parent volunteers will be needed (email opespto@gmail.com to help)

- all OPES families are invited to attend - scholarships available!


February 26 - Spirit Night

- 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. @ Penn Station East Coast Subs

- a portion of sales go to OPES

- mention OPES at checkout

- "Spirit Deal" special available


March 20 - Spirit Night

- 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. @ Charanda Of Fort Mill

- a portion of sales go to OPES

- mention OPES at checkout


March 24 - 28 - Teacher Appreciation Week

- parent volunteers will be needed (email opespto@gmail.com to help)


March 31 - April 6 - Book Fair

- parent volunteers will be needed (email opespto@gmail.com to help) 



April 5 - Garden Party

- 4 to 6:30 p.m. @ Baxter Village Hall

- Silent Auction, Raffle, Live Music, Charcuterie & more
- Mothers, Grandmothers or Caretakers

- all OPES families are invited to attend - scholarships available! 


May 1 - End of Year Party - Charlotte Knights vs. Norfolk Tides

- 6:05 p.m. @Truist Field

- group tickets can be purchased HERE

- Soaring Sounds to perform National Anthem

- all OPES families are invited to attend - scholarships available!


   Let's Connect   




A portion of sales from your purchases are donated to Orchard Park if you link your card with Harris Teeter and Publix every August.